Monday, 5 December 2011


Salam ,

agak lama jugak x berblogging!!..hehhehehe sblm ni ak hanyer x bhenti pkir psal khiduapn ak n org lain...terus terang ak nk ckp yg today i do realise that LIFE is not that easy.....klakar kn bila sometime we just feel that kita ad org yg berpengalaman n mahu share dgn org...whereby other people also hav walk through their own experience yup btol mmg stiap org ad pengalaman masing2....cume is sound so funny bila kite try utk judge other people yg buat mistake and so on yet when the times come....tetibe the other people where saying something is just fimiliar dgn diri kite...then kite terigt plak bkn ke dulu kite penah nasihat kn org mcm tue...tetibe kite buat bnde yg kite nasihat org supaya jgn buat??? huh...seyesly sgt2 complicated.....i try so hard utk buang sume ni..but it seems that laman2 sosial ni memberi peransang yg x elok pd diri ak..not that i say for all of u la kn...cume for me....but in the other part plak i just feel like tuhan tue cube nk tunjuk kalu ko ckp mcm ni tuhan bg dugaan mcm ni plak kt ko supaya ko tau ap akn jd...pelik n funny kn? but LIFE mmg mcm i just wish that i could hav the old me....the one who adore everyone....the one yg akn slalu buat yg tbaik utk people surround her...the one that always have her smile on her face....and the one that have a lots of LOVE  to share wif......and the one that always to be love....honestly hidup dgn cemburu,dengki and slalu nk lebey dr org lain x membawa ak kepada kebahagian...ak makin x happy bnyk pkir....btol ak ni skunk tlalu menyusahkn diri memikir bnde yg x ptut2...sepuluh kali azam nk berubah tp x brubah jugak.... :( nk nangis tp ak sndri tau nangis  xberi pape makna....ak kne cuba utk pulih kn keadaan berubah demi kebaik diri sndri dan kebahagian org ak sndri....x perlu nk berlawan dgn org lain.. xperlu nk judge org the end die akn hnyer menampk kn ke samaan diri ko dan org lain..... :( hope that ak mampu utk berubah demi kebaikan dan memaju kn diri n happy kn family dgn ap yg ad :)

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Stress Relief Tips

Stressful life experiences are sometimes unavoidable.  You
probably experience good stress and bad stress on a daily
basis.  Good stress is best described as the adrenaline rush
you feel when you rise to challenges.  Bad stress feeds on
worry, fear and anxiety, and creates a vicious cycle of harmful
stress that can lead to health problems. Bad stress can also
get embedded into your life when its consistent; like the stress
that comes from ongoing work-related issues, family struggles,
or relentless financial problems.

The major issue about stress is how you deal with your stress.
The stress relief tips below focus on taking control of stress by
practical means.  These self-help stress relief tips focus on a
few stress triggers that you can control.  Your quality of life,
health and happiness depend heavily on how you manage
your stress.

Stress Relief Tips

  • Eat right and exercise
  • Set realistic goals
  • Handle important tasks first and eliminate unessential tasks
  • Take a break and meditate to slow down "mind-racing"
  • Reduce the urge to be "perfect"
  • Be flexible
  • Avoid excessive competition
  • Reduce criticism of yourself and others
  • Don't stress when expectations are not met
  • Manage your anger
  • Push away negativity of any kind
  • Give yourself "me" time
  • Choose to keep quiet when you feel a negative reaction
  • Be cheerful, it deflates others stress and anxiety
  • Silence your phone at night
  • Dab essential oils on your wrist to reminder yourself to relax
  • Utilize relaxation techniques; Yoga, Meditation, Breathing, etc.
  • Laugh and smile more often
  • Remember you can only change yourself        
Conquer Stress

You fight a cold.  You bandage a cut. You get rid of a headache.  The point is if
something impacts you negatively, you do something about it. Stressing brings
about a negative impact, so do something about it. Don't allow stress to build.
Don't allow stress to steal your joy.  When you feel stress coming on, push it away.
 Resist it.  Fight back.  Use whatever tools or stress relief tips that work for you, but
do not let stress take control of you.

Remember studies show that 10 to 20 minutes of quiet reflection or
meditation a
day can bring relief from stress and increase your tolerance of the dynamic
situations around you.  Bookmark this site and use the stress relief videos located
in the upper right hand corner of every page of
Tranquility is Yours as part of your
meditation routine.  You can also incorporate some of these
self-help stress relief tips to begin to reduce the stress in your life.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Sometimes its better not to say anything. Saying how you truly feel might make things worse.

Dear Blog.....

Am DOWN, SAD, and am breaking DOWN..............people use to see me smile....and choose to give my smile to make others make their smile tooo.........but deep down inside the things that act i can feels is PAIN.......i DO try to speak it out....but it seems no one hear me out........trying to talk with the kids...but KIDS they just KIDS ...:'( ALONE all ALONE i have NO Frens..........

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Rezeki dtg Dari Tuhan......

Dear Blog......

is been hard for me this past few been through with all d stresss life....sometimes i just feel that maybe am the one who never be thankfull enough of what had god gave me....i wonder why i kept thinking too much :( am so sad ,down,stress and i just feel alone n fell like crying all the time......until yesterday someone sent me an email then i the one should be blame :((.............. here are the email i would like to share wif u Dear blog...........


Di zaman Nabi Allah Sulaiman berlaku satu peristiwa, apabila Nabi Allah
Sulaiman nampak seekor semut melata di atas batu; lantas Nabi Allah
Sulaiman merasa hairan bagaimana semut ini hendak hidup di atas batu yang
kering di tengah-tengah padang pasir yang tandus.

Nabi Allah Sulaiman pun bertanya kepada semut: "Wahai semut apakah engkau
yakin ada makanan cukup untuk kamu".

Semut pun menjawab: "Rezeki di tangan ALLAH, aku percaya rezeki di tangan
ALLAH, aku yakin di atas batu kering di padang pasir yang tandus ini ada
rezeki untuk ku".

Lantas Nabi Allah Sulaiman pun bertanya: "Wahai semut, berapa banyakkah
engkau makan? Apakah yang engkau gemar makan? Dan banyak mana engkau makan
dalam sebulan?"

Jawab semut: "Aku makan hanya sekadar sebiji gandum sebulan".

Nabi Allah Sulaiman pun mencadangkan: "Kalau kamu makan hanya sebiji gandum
sebulan tak payah kamu melata di atas batu, aku boleh tolong".

Nabi Allah Sulaiman pun mengambil satu bekas, dia angkat semut itu dan
dimasukkan ke dalam bekas; kemudian Nabi ambil gandum sebiji, dibubuh dalam
bekas dan tutup bekas itu.

Kemudian Nabi tinggal semut didalam bekas dengan sebiji gandum selama satu

Bila cukup satu bulan Nabi Allah Sulaiman lihat gandum sebiji tadi hanya
dimakan setengah sahaja oleh semut, lantas Nabi Allah Sulaiman menemplak
semut: "Kamu rupanya berbohong pada aku!. Bulan lalu kamu kata kamu makan
sebiji gandum sebulan, ini sudah sebulan tapi kamu makan setengah".

Jawab semut: "Aku tidak berbohong, aku tidak berbohong, kalau aku ada di
atas batu aku pasti makan apapun sehingga banyaknya sama seperti sebiji
gandum sebulan, kerana makanan itu aku cari sendiri dan rezeki itu
datangnya daripada Allah dan Allah tidak pernah lupa padaku.

Tetapi bila kamu masukkan aku dalam bekas yang tertutup, rezeki aku
bergantung pada kamu dan aku tak percaya kepada kamu, sebab itulah aku
makan setengah sahaja supaya tahan dua bulan. Aku takut kamu lupa".

Itulah Iman Semut!!


Di zaman Imam Suffian, ada seorang hamba Allah yang kerjanya mengorek kubur
orang mati.

Kerja korek kubur orang mati bukan kerja orang ganjil.

Bila ada orang mati, mayat terpaksa ditanam, oleh itu kubur perlu digali

Tetapi yang ganjil mengenai hamba Allah ini ialah dia tidak gali kubur
untuk tanam mayat.

Sebaliknya apabila orang mati sudah ditanam, waris sudah lama balik kerumah
dan Munkar Nakir sudah menyoal, barulah penggali ini datang ke kubur untuk
korek balik.

Dia nak tengok macam mana rupa mayat setelah di INTERVIEW oleh Munkar

Dia korek 1 kubur, 2 kubur, 3 kubur, 10 kubur, 50 kubur sampai 100 kubur.

Lepas itu, penggali pergi kepada Imam Suffian dan bertanya kepadanya: "Ya
Imam, kenapakah daripada 100kubur orang Islam yang aku gali, dua sahaja
yang mana mayat di dalamnya masih berhadap kiblat.

Yang 98 lagi sudah beralih ke belakang?".

Jawab Imam Suffian:" Diakhir zaman hanya 2 dari 100 umat Islam yang percaya
rezeki itu di tangan Allah.

98 orang lagi tidak percaya bahawa rezeki di tangan Tuhan".

Itulah sebabnya apabila umat Islam tertekan dengan SOGOKAN duit yang
banyak, biasanya, iman dia akan beralih.

Nyatalah iman semut lebih kuat dari iman manusia.


Soalan: Bagaimana IMAN kita?

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.

Not all scars show, not all wounds heal Sometimes you can’t always see The pain someone feels
 These questions in my mind Are so much bigger than life.

Monday, 4 April 2011

AM just 2 tired of bein Ms. NICE :((

Its sad when people you know become people you knew :(( .......When you can walk past someone like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk for hours and how now you can barely even look at them.......Life hurts us a lots .....Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to forget someone you knew........
There are things that we dont want to happen but have to accept,things we dont want to know,but we have to learn.... and people we cant live without but have to let go.......
It takes a cople second to say HELLO but FOREVER to say GOODBYE ........
If you realy love something set it free......IF it comes BACK its yours .... IF not it WASNT meant to be.....
Never Be SAD for what is over Just be GLAD that it was once YOURS........

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

I am told to just be myself, but as much as I have practiced the impression, I am still no good at it.

All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was.  I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory.  I was naïve.  I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer.  It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with:  that I am nobody but myself. 

Monday, 14 March 2011

My heart n SOuls n my only Precious :)

Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter.  In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express.

If all ur friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I would be at the bottom to catch You.

"If I had one gift that I could give you, my friend, it would be the ability to see yourself as others see you, because only then would you know how extremely special you are."

Being a Young Mom is the Great things happen in my life :)

No-one could ever take what we've got right here between one another

Remember that chick that used to live right up the block from me
I seen her yesterday and she still fly
she still right, still tight, still fine
yep I still wanna make her mine
I want much more than just a moment
see I ain't tryna lease or try to rent I'm tryna own it
yeah, this time I'll make my move, this time I'll show and prove
to prove that I'm really irreplaceable

Wherever I go, i go with all my heart.

All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was.  I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory.  I was naïve.  I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer.  It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with:  that I am nobody but myself.

God made man stronger but not necessarily more intelligent. He gave women intuition and femininity. And, used properly, that combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met

Music is my passion :)

Is Nearrrlyy End of the Worlds

Sepuluh Tanda-tanda Kiamat yang Besar

Ertinya :

Daripada Huzaifah bin Asid Al-Ghifari ra. berkata: "Datang kepada kami Rasulullah saw. dan kami pada waktu itu sedang berbincang-bincang. Lalu beliau bersabda: "Apa yang kamu perbincangkan?". Kami menjawab: "Kami sedang berbincang tentang hari qiamat". Lalu Nabi saw. bersabda: "Tidak akan terjadi hari qiamat sehingga kamu melihat sebelumnya sepuluh macam tanda-tandanya". Kemudian beliau menyebutkannya: "Asap, Dajjal, binatang, terbit matahari dari tempat tenggelamnya, turunnya Isa bin Maryam alaihissalam, Ya’juj dan Ma'juj, tiga kali gempa bumi, sekali di timur, sekali di barat dan yang ketiga di Semenanjung Arab yang akhir sekali adalah api yang keluar dari arah negeri Yaman yang akan menghalau manusia kepada Padang Mahsyar mereka".(H.R Muslimi)
Sepuluh tanda-tanda qiamat yang disebutkan Rasulullah saw. dalam hadis ini adalah tanda-tanda qiamat yang besar-besar, akan terjadi di saat hampir tibanya hari qiamat. Sepuluh tanda itu ialah:
  1. Dukhan (asap) yang akan keluar dan mengakibatkan penyakit yang seperti selsema di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan akan mematikan semua orang kafir.
  2. Dajjal yang akan membawa fitnah besar yang akan meragut keimanan, hinggakan ramai orang yang akan terpedaya dengan seruannya.
  3. Binatang besar yang keluar berhampiran Bukit Shafa di Mekah yang akan bercakap bahawa manusia tidak beriman lagi kepada Allah swt.
  4. Matahari akan terbit dari tempat tenggelamnya. Maka pada saat itu Allah swt. tidak lagi menerima iman orang kafir dan tidak menerima taubat daripada orang yang berdosa.
  5. Turunnya Nabi Isa alaihissalam ke permukaan bumi ini. Beliau akan mendukung pemerintahan Imam Mahadi yang berdaulat pada masa itu dan beliau akan mematahkan segala salib yang dibuat oleb orang-orang Kristian dan beliau juga yang akan membunuh Dajjal.
  6. Keluarnya bangsa Ya'juj dan Ma'juj yang akan membuat kerosakan dipermukaan bumi ini, iaitu apabila mereka berjaya menghancurkan dinding yang dibuat dari besi bercampur tembaga yang telah didirikan oleh Zul Qarnain bersama dengan pembantu-pembantunya pada zaman dahulu.
  7. Gempa bumi di Timur.
  8. Gempa bumi di Barat.
  9. Gempa bumi di Semenanjung Arab.
  10. Api besar yang akan menghalau manusia menuju ke Padang Mahsyar. Api itu akan bermula dari arah negeri Yaman.
Mengikut pendapat Imam Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani di dalam kitab Fathul Bari beliau mengatakan: "Apa yang dapat dirajihkan (pendapat yang terpilih) dari himpunan hadis-hadis Rasulullah Saw. bahawa keluarnya Dajal adalah yang mendahului segala petanda-petanda besar yang mengakibatkan perubahan besar yang berlaku dipermukaan bumi ini. Keadaan itu akan disudahi dengan kematian Nabi Isa alaihissalam (setelah belian turun dari langit). Kemudian terbitnya matahari dari tempat tenggelamnya adalah permulaan tanda-tanda qiamat yang besar yang akan merosakkan sistem alam cakerawala yang mana kejadian ini akan disudahi dengan terjadinya peristiwa qiamat yang dahsyat itu. Barangkali keluarnya binatang yang disebutkan itu adalah terjadi di hari yang matahari pada waktu itu terbit dari tempat tenggelamnya".

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Forever Will always b U


Maybe time make us been so not together but memories will always remains in mind tat no metter how far we go no metter how lost we r...... WE WILL ALWAYS REMAIN as CUZINS n deep down in my heart i would say theres no one will ever replace u in my heart ;)

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

We R Cousin :)

Kammi d lahirkn d tahun Arnab basicly in chinese this yr is our YEAR....ap yg boley ak igt sepanjang 24 tahun (this july skunk still 23 ok ) kami d besarkn there is  a lot of funny story yg kitorg buat n lalui....wlaupw ad pahit tp bile igt balik bnde 2 jd lawak mcm ( tangan kat bahu mata ke atas) hahahhahaha TEAR i couldnt say less......even kite x membesar serapat mane tp i know deep down inside i still hav u as a cuzin....we dont talk much spend time also less...but yet kite masih boley ckp kite close.....sbb we know each other to well i guess.....ak mmg x ley lupe sume yg kite lalui such as...d ELITE group....mnjadi KRU gurlfren....last2 sume pw dh kawin ngan org lain dulu bagai nk rak blakon konon2 nk kne cmpak bagai hahahahahhah....n sgt2 klakar bile kite slalu praktis joget konon kat bilik maksu kat atas mase rumah nenek kat keramat cermin buluh panjang 2 mnjadi saksi penjogetan kite btiga bsame naja......n time pasby ko d transfer kn mnjd ustazah sementara so lame jugak x jumpe.......ko balik time tudung wardina brmula....x lame selepas e2 kite pw dh msuk part teenage gurl so kak nia mnjadi pak supir n rakan subahat utk sneak kite n x lupe kak nya pw jd la ala2 P.Ramlee gitu ( klua rumah pkai tudung kepit san kepit sini, LUAR Rumah trus bukak sane bukak sini heng sane heng sini hahahhahaha ) so x lame jugak lepas 2 ur mother decide nk further study...n secara automatic nyer ko pun la when we r 15 ko dh fly p melbourne blaja d sane tp sblm g ak igt lg teknik rebonding MU hahahahahahhalps dr melbourne ko balik for good n dh x pkai tudung compom so start dr situ sume pw dh berubah ak ngan life ak ko ngan study ko but yet we stil conected now when u flying to sydney am so kinda happy for you sbb atleast u hav a wonderful n peaceful life so great 2 hear now am counting days 2 c u ...dunno wether we will meet again or not panjang umo kite we will but if not just remember that no metter wat hapen n no metter how far we r.... a part of me is in u...n a part of u will always remain in me that is the way it should be.....luv u teartika rashid even u Gemox hahahaha :p i miss u :)