Monday, 5 December 2011


Salam ,

agak lama jugak x berblogging!!..hehhehehe sblm ni ak hanyer x bhenti pkir psal khiduapn ak n org lain...terus terang ak nk ckp yg today i do realise that LIFE is not that easy.....klakar kn bila sometime we just feel that kita ad org yg berpengalaman n mahu share dgn org...whereby other people also hav walk through their own experience yup btol mmg stiap org ad pengalaman masing2....cume is sound so funny bila kite try utk judge other people yg buat mistake and so on yet when the times come....tetibe the other people where saying something is just fimiliar dgn diri kite...then kite terigt plak bkn ke dulu kite penah nasihat kn org mcm tue...tetibe kite buat bnde yg kite nasihat org supaya jgn buat??? huh...seyesly sgt2 complicated.....i try so hard utk buang sume ni..but it seems that laman2 sosial ni memberi peransang yg x elok pd diri ak..not that i say for all of u la kn...cume for me....but in the other part plak i just feel like tuhan tue cube nk tunjuk kalu ko ckp mcm ni tuhan bg dugaan mcm ni plak kt ko supaya ko tau ap akn jd...pelik n funny kn? but LIFE mmg mcm i just wish that i could hav the old me....the one who adore everyone....the one yg akn slalu buat yg tbaik utk people surround her...the one that always have her smile on her face....and the one that have a lots of LOVE  to share wif......and the one that always to be love....honestly hidup dgn cemburu,dengki and slalu nk lebey dr org lain x membawa ak kepada kebahagian...ak makin x happy bnyk pkir....btol ak ni skunk tlalu menyusahkn diri memikir bnde yg x ptut2...sepuluh kali azam nk berubah tp x brubah jugak.... :( nk nangis tp ak sndri tau nangis  xberi pape makna....ak kne cuba utk pulih kn keadaan berubah demi kebaik diri sndri dan kebahagian org ak sndri....x perlu nk berlawan dgn org lain.. xperlu nk judge org the end die akn hnyer menampk kn ke samaan diri ko dan org lain..... :( hope that ak mampu utk berubah demi kebaikan dan memaju kn diri n happy kn family dgn ap yg ad :)